Sheriff Bumpy is a Discord bot created to boost your Discord Server. You can use the command /bump to get your
Server boosted so other People have the chance to join the server.
/ask (Ask any Question to the Moderators)
/bug-report (Reports a bug)
/bump (Bumps your Server)
/invite-bot (Invites this Bot into your Server)
/serverinfo (Shows some informations about this Server)
/support-invite (Gives you the Invite link for the Discord Support Server)
/website (Shows you our little Website) (Update)
/apply (Gets you the Paperwork so you can apply as Moderator)
/bot-list (Shows you every Bot List the Bot is on)
/pizza-timer (Tells you when your Pizza is done!)
/lottery (Buy a Lottery Ticket for free!)
/partners (Shows you the Bots that are now a Family with Sheriff Bumpy)
/setnickname (Sets the Nickname of the Bot to anything you want in the current Server)
/avatar (Shows the Avatar of the Mentioned User)
/time (Shows the current time)
/ping (Shows the Bot's Ping)
/survey (Gives the owners feedback)
/ultrabump (Ultra Bumps your Server but with a cooldown of 24 Hours)
Fixed Ping Command, only worked when User had administrator permissions